About The Author

9 years ago I left college and  moved to  Phoenix AZ to begin what I though would be my dream career, in 2004 I decided to be a loan officer I was only 2 years out of high school and thought I knew everything. I could not wait to make the big bucks and live the dream life I knew I had a natural a knack for sales so I followed the modern day gold rush and made selling loans my business. Life was grand for about 3 years while my friends were studying calculus I was out shopping partying and taking trips to Vegas.  Then, as you all know about march of 2007 it all came crashing down! I bounced around from one company to another for a little while but in about 6 months I left the industry completely, it seemed the well had run completely dry! I went from being the envy of all my friends to crashing on a neighbors couch trying to figure out how I am going to afford to get a ticket back to North Carolina.  

Things didn't get any easier for  me once I had arrived back in town either, for almost 2 years  I took whatever jobs I could find selling anything that needed to be sold, problem being that most of the jobs I found were only paying 10- 11 bucks an hour with minimal commissions even after becoming the “star Sales leader” I was lucky if I could make 24 thousand dollars a year. I had hit a new low and found myself frustrated and angry as hell. Wishing that I had stayed in school and decided to take the normal route like my friends. Completely defeated I toyed with going back to school finishing what I had started and found that with my student loans in default finishing school just wasn’t an option quite yet.  With me cornered in and back against the wall I decided I had to get serious about making some changes in the direction my life was heading. So I did what so many others have done I began to try and  develop myself in any way that I could I began to read every book I found that talked about being and staying positive, changing your life, the law of attraction, etc. I became a walking living poster board for the top gurus and to be honest a lot of their work did get me thinking better but the fact remained I was still struggling.  So what was missing? What did I really have to do to change my life? Around this time I began talking with a friend that was starting a business that needed a small marketing department and when he contacted me I just got this feeling that this is what I had been asking for. It wasn't paying much to start but I would be able to grow it into whatever I wanted it to be. Over the next two years as  I developed  myself spiritually  I simultaneously built and trained an entire telemarketing , direct mail marketing,  and internet marketing department. Success finally, money was picking up and we were ready to start out sourcing our marketing to other companies.   I had an office of about 20 people that I was completely responsible for and I knew that number was going to double if not triple depending on the number of clients that we began working with.   I was already working 10-11 hour days almost consistently 6 days a week.  Reality began to hit me this is great I am doing what I love I'm selling marketing training making money, but this is all I do. I don’t have anytime to do anything else. With the books and studying that I was doing in what little personal time I had ,I became increasingly aware that my life was out of balance .  Although outsourcing would have been a great opportunity to improve my income I  knew that I would have been completely sacrificing my quality of life and  once again I  had to make some serious decisions. These decisions were just a little more intimidating, I mean after all I have been struggling for 5 years and the entire time I just knew that all I needed was more income. The question became with more income staring me in the face why is this not good enough? I felt ungrateful, let down in myself like maybe there was something wrong with me, maybe I am self sabotaging, I mean after all I should be celebrating not contemplating quitting.  But quitting is exactly what I ended up doing, not right away of course.  First I set out on a personal journey to figure out exactly what I wanted.  Then once I did that I joined forces with a company that was headed in the same direction I was .  

Truth less than 30 days ago I quit my job and have decided to place all of my skills into building an online business.  Fact I love sales and marketing and I am a natural trainer I have developed marketing teams for every company that I have worked for and now I have decided to build a team that can do the exact same thing while creating freedom for their life.  I have developed an action based system that I am giving way for free to help anyone get in control of their dreams and start living their ideal life.  SO please take advantage of the free system HERE and for information on joining my team and getting the support you need to be successful sign up HERE. 


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