So I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I I have so much to share and so much that I want to learn so I hope that this will lead down a road where I will learn and teach in kind.

So who am I? 

Well that's a complicated question, one that I seek to answer though the different posts and topics of this blog.

What do I know about myself thus far? 

I know that I have issues with self confidence and asserting myself even when I know that I am right! I do my best to be open loving and accepting of others and new ideas. I love reading and discussions and learning about new things.  I have a "new" (I put that in quotations because I don't know how new it is but I definitely have only recently acknowledged this longing within myself) found interest in spirituality, metaphysics, and all things in between. I have an intense desire to become the best possible version of myself and to be apart of other people learning to do the same.

Things people may want to know about me.

I am an African American Lesbian Woman.
I went to college but I did not finish
I live in the North East Ohio area (can not wait to move)
I have lived in Arizona, Indiana, North Carolina, and Ohio
I was at one time married

In summation I am just a normal person I have not always done everything right. I have had my fair share of intense highs and dramatic lows. I hold a belief that all things work together towards the greater good, after being mad as hell at the world I am learning to take responsibility for myself and my circumstances. Through all my experiences I have gained an inner knowing that we are all connected and that as I become better we as a whole become better and I want to do my part!

Love and Light
Let the Journey Begin!


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