Dance to your Own Tune
I think this is the most important lesson I am learning but at the
same time difficult to comprehend. The society we live in teaches us from
a very young age to tune our inner voice out and do as we are told by someone, anyone
outside of ourselves. First our parents, then our teachers and our parents,
soon our friends opinions begin to be taken into consideration, then our employers,
spouses, in laws and the list goes on and on. A never ending saga of people directing
our path based off their experiences and or needs. Till finally we are left
with a life that we don't even recognize ourselves in and questions of how we
got here?
Well I say enough is enough!!!
I see that so much of who I am down to how
I make my decisions is clouded with other people’s logic. There's no
wonder my life at times doesn't feel like my own. The light hearted down to earth
girl somewhere got lost in other people expectations and I am on a mission to reclaim
her as me! I find myself in a place where every beautiful picture that someone
else has drawn for me to live in feels inauthentic and stifling. Furthermore, I
am now aware that I'm the only one who can get me home to my ideal place in
this world and the only way to get there is for me to learn to listen within. Listen
and trust my inner voice follow the signs that my angels and ancestors are rhythmically
placing between each beat of my day! I have to learn to Dance like no one’s
watching and not care even when they are. My dance is simply quieting the
chatter and the programming so that I can hear and feel my truth learn to trust
it so that I’ll never feel lost again.
In conclusion I feel that what any of us decides to do is possible
as long as we are being true to ourselves, no more follow the leader lets
now follow our hearts and allow the universe to do the rest!
I’ll leave us with one last thought to consider while debating
changing our lives
"You don't have time because time does not exist all you have
and ever had is now"
Love & Light