Our Deepest Fear
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest
fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about
shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant
to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that
is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our
own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
- Marianne Williamson
This was the Quote that my up line
Justin Verrengia shared on his wall along with some personal anecdotes as to
why this was such a powerful quote in his life. Needless to say I agree whole
heartedly with where he comes from in his stories and if it wasn’t for that I would
have never joined him in Empower Network, from my spiritual journey I have
learned many thing but mainly I have began to understand myself and how God
communicates with me! I have begun to recognize that I have been hidden in
darkness and shrouded by fear. I have also learned that that fear is not my truth,
not mine or anyone else’s on this earth! My highest self has been revealed to
me and I have so beautifully found it aligning me with Empower Network by joining
hands with my up line a person that I see as a sort of visionary for a
different way of doing things! Every now
and then we come across people on our journey that have paved a way or
illuminated another wise hidden or missed path that leads us to finding our
truth. To those people we must acknowledge and thank them for the work they are
doing, thank them that the light in them shines so brightly it has helped us to
see more of our selves and then strive to become the person within the new
awareness we have been gifted. Be thankful that inspiration and truth come at
the most auspicious moments that could have so easily been missed. So with that
thank you Justin Verrengia for your light was so bright one night it woke me
out of my sleep with a facebook message that inspired me to change the way I
view what is possible in my life.
I’ve learned that God comes to us in many different
ways and that when we feel or see the highest vision of our lives it is
confirmation that it is time to move. Opportunity presents itself by us
aligning ourselves with whatever that high vision reveals to us. I have learned
we have to trust that God is calling us to live out our magnificence constantly,
it is our fear that lies to us and tells us to be realistic, logical or any
other word we give to deny ourselves of the vision of greatness! I do not
believe that it matters at all what opportunity you find yourself drawn too it
could be Empower Network, Avon, being a doctor, lawyer and the list goes on.
What does matter is that we move forward doing whatever we see making ourselves
happier than we could imagine, more fulfilled then we could imagine, and living
a life better then we could ever fathom. In recognizing the vision or day dream
or imagination as opportunity we find that the highest version of ourselves has
been there all along only problem we have ever had is not understanding or
believing Gods message to us. All that
is then required to receive or manifest this vision as our own is to appreciate
it and give thanks with an understanding that God has in our own lives revealed
Him/Herself. The most difficult thing for any of us to really imagine is that
what we see in our minds eye and become aware of feelings of grandeur that it
is real this is not just wishful thinking it is actually a promise from God. I
know now more then I have ever before this is truth! Not because I made millions and millions of
dollars yesterday (fact is I didn’t I struggled like many of you I cried and
got frustrated like many of you), I know this because for the first time I
chose to listen and believe in the promise that all things are Possible. For
the first time I understand that the most real thing in my life is the Promise
that all is possible through God, I have allowed fear for so long keep this
truth out of my grasp. So Yes I am excited about my opportunity
within this company I know that I have found the place that my truest essence
can be expressed!
In closing I would like to invite everyone who finds this
message, to invest the time and analyze what you have aligned yourself with and ask yourself honestly do "I see the highest vision for
myself doing tomorrow what I have chosen to do today" If the answer is no
keep looking and be honest and of course if something I have said resonates
with you and inspires a vision for yourself better then you had ever imagined
join my hand there is always room for one more and a place for another great
Love & Light