Free Yourself By Living with Less
“You don’t realize how much stuff you have until you try to put it all in a box.” —Allison Vesterfelt
Recently I have read some great articles on the freedom of becoming a minimalist, while this certainly isn't a journey for us all I definitely think there are a few lessons everyone can take out of their book.
I consider myself a freedom advocate and anything that allows us a greater sense of pleasure in our daily lives is certainly worth looking at
I won’t be able to take care of myself.
I worried that if I simplified my life, I would have to sacrifice my independence and lean on others to support me. I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills or provide the things I needed to live.
But, when I allowed myself to sit down and think about it, I realized I already depended on other people for all kinds of things, and that depending on others wasn’t a bad thing. Simplifying my life gave me the opportunity to lean in to this reality, and to grow in my ability to give gifts, and to receive them.