The Power Of Love
This word... Power, what is it what does it mean and how can we apply it to our lives and feel good about it? For a long time the word seemed dirty in my mind images of crooked politicians, selfish business owners and secrets of the Illuminati would fill my internal screen. I knew I wanted to be successful I never imagined that I would want to be powerful, after all I like people and I want to help them.... and as far as I could see that's not what powerful people do, right?
So I set in on a journey to answer this, to determine if power truly is the oppressing persecuting and tyrannical force that I had come to associate it as. Or is there something about this force that's been misrepresented misused or abused. I found the latter to be closer to the truth. Power is an essential attribute in most any successful person and like anything else in life we have a choice in what type of power we utilize in the attainment of our goals.
I believe fervently in the achievement of personal freedom for every individual walking the earth, I believe that by opening our minds to new ideas, people, and ways of doing things and embracing all experiences as lessons is one of the most simple ways to develop freedom in your life. I also believe that being powerful is essential in creating anything of value. The type of power only determines the level of joy you experience in your creation.
We have all heard stories or know someone personally who seem to have it all but are absolutely miserable. Its hard not to look at this person and wonder "what the hell is the matter with you?" What I have found is more times then not the issue is personal power. When we are using our personal power in a way that uplifts encourages and supports ourselves and those around us we find that we are not only reaching our goals but we also find its possible to equally enjoy the process. On the other hand, if our power is used to lie cheat and oppress we feel the effects of that energy in a loss of our joy and peace. Goals can be accomplished through the use of either type of power, but there is only one choice that includes serenity and a true sense of joy.
I encourage all of us to examine the type of power we demonstrate in our lives. When we are pushing toward achieving a sense of freedom lets take the time to examine how we are exerting our inner force. Let us all become beacons of light embracing that Love is the most powerful force in the universe and utilize its strength to overcome intercede and cultivate new thriving relationships that will propel us forward on our path.