Law of Meditation
The Law of Meditation
Prayer is about you talking to God, meditation is about you listening to God. To listen to God, first Be Still. Then allow yourself to still the chatter in your mind. Allow your mind’s chatter to go on and on without any response or action from you. Let these thoughts simply go into the ether unanswered by you. Eventually, your mind will calm down and be still. Now listen, really listen, ensuring your breathing is regular -in and out, in and out, in and out. If you cannot hear anything, then simply relax and have no expectations. The stillness is your reward. Perhaps there will come a time in your regular meditations that you will feel something, or hear something, or see something, or sense something. Be still and know that I am God. Meditation opens up the doorway into bliss. Bliss is happiness without a reason to be happy.
Source: Guide Speak§ion=2&entry=4904
I wanted to share this with all of you because Meditation was definitely, the start of my change! I was always taught to talk to god but only later learned how to listen for the response, which as I am sure you can imagine is the most important part! Once you enter the world of meditation the possibilities are endless where you go, what you do, and how much you get out of it is completely up to you. I would like to invite anyone who has yet to take the first step on the inner journey of self to mark this as there starting place and for those a little further down the road please share your experiences so that we can learn and grow together!
Thank you
Love & Light!