Unlock the Matrix
Sometimes the hardest thing about making a change is realizing that everyone you are use to being around and spending time with, cannot come along! I realized this recently, it was not easy but I saw that I was wasting time trying to convince “friends” to look at their situations differently, when I could be using that time to change my focus and better my own life. To be honest it wasn't until a friend called me to complain about his situation yet again, and not thinking I told him to take responsibility for what he was going through and stop complaining be positive etc. He literally told me off, called my beliefs pseudo science blah blah blah, and after that I had enough of trying to convince people. If someone wants to change they have to do it for themselves. After having that experience with a friend, I realized that I have to respect where people are on their journey and that doesn't have to mean that I don’t care, I just accept I am not able to do it for them.
With that being said there are many people currently on the path that are looking for a friendly face along the way, I am def in need of more like minded people to surround myself with if you are too leave a comment or like me on facebook somehow lets connect and inspire one another on our journeys!